Blended Learning
Blended Learning is an interactive form of learning that cleverly combines analog training with digital learning. Educational content will be delivered in different media formats and made available to the learner in small packages. In combination with transfer tasks, this allows for a permanent feeling of success and sustainable knowledge. The ideal selection of learning formats and the didactic linking of content is what makes blended learning truly unique. As a result, the learner can finally enjoy learning while both parties benefit - sustainable knowledge, hard-wired into the company. Our blending learning projects consist of the following three sections:
1.Management Summary
The first step is to create a management summary with all project managers, the budget providers, as well as a person who knows the learning group very well. During this process, a common understanding of the project goal, the learning objectives, the framework conditions, and the target group will be developed.
2.Learner Journey
The Learner Journey now elaborates the predefined learning objectives. It describes the learner's journey through the various stages of the learning process up to the desired change in behavior. Each phase consists of several didactically well-designed elements and transfer stimuli. The emotions and thoughts of the target group are also taken into account.
3.Communication Roadmap
The final step is the creation of a communication plan. It does not only help the project managers to maintain an overview, but also serves as information hub for all participants. This plan indicates what needs to be communicated to whom and when- not only to the learners themselves, but also to managers, works council, mentors or management.
OUR Tools
E-Learnings are an excellent tool to impart and consolidate knowledge and to make it accessible from anywhere. Whether it’s communication, management development, dealing with personality procedures, team development, or your very own individual topic - all e-learning modules are designed to perfectly meet our customers’ and learners’ needs.